Join us for the Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education

This year, the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), which MIT is a member of, is taking their global conference virtual—and all current MIT students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend.
MIT is a Host Institution for this year's Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education (GCSHE) thanks to sponsorship by the Office of Sustainability, Environmental Solutions Initiative, Terrascope, UA Sustainability, GSC Sustainability, the Working Green Committee, and the Office of Experiential Learning—covering the cost of registration for staff, students, and faculty. (How to register free of charge).
Anyone who is interested in sustainability efforts around the world is encouraged to attend. Each year, GCSHE brings together sustainability leaders from around the world in a virtual format to share effective models, policies, research, collaborations and transformative actions that advance sustainability in higher education and surrounding communities.
For 2020, the Conference has the objective to answer the following questions through their sessions:
How can the higher education sustainability movement ensure the process of transitioning to sustainability on our campuses is just and equitable?
How are we centering the voices of those most impacted by an ecological and economic disruption in our work?
How is higher education creating pathways to empower workers in the extractive economy to transition to dignified, secure, and sustainable livelihoods in the regenerative economy?
With dozens of sessions each day of the conference—ranging from keynote, to live, to on-demand—it can be easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of interesting talks. To help guide your experience, the MITOS Team has shared some suggested sessions below.
Emerging Data Visualization Issues in Sustainability: Increasing "Truthfulness" and Visual Literacy - On-Demand Educational Session
Open Access Sustainability Survey Data: How to integrate a longitudinal dataset into your classroom - On-Demand Lightning Talk
Visualizing sustainability: building a robust online sustainability dashboard - On-Demand Lightning Talk
Recycling data: what we’ve Learned - On-Demand Lightning Talk
Using Smartsheets, Dashboards and ArcGIS Insights to Track and Analyze Waste Stream's Weights - On-Demand Lightning Talk
Good Food, Good Data, Big Impact: Innovative Approaches to Capturing Farm to Institution Impact - On-Demand Lightning Talk
Using the Real Food Database in Food Procurement - On-Demand Lightning Talk
Just Transition: To a Circular Economy - On-Demand Lightning Talk
How the University of California is Evaluating the Sustainability of Supplier Supply Chains - On-Demand Lightning Talk
Organics for Everyone: Lessons Learned from a Large-Scale Campus-wide Organics Rollout - On-Demand Lightning Talk
Resilient Recycling-Build a Strong Recycling Program Against Market Forces and Beyond Good Behavior - On-Demand Lightning Talk
Leveraging the Buying Power of Universities for Sustainable Procurement and Market Transformation: Simu-live Wed, 10/21: 11:20 AM - 12:00 PM
Beyond Campus Boundaries: Transferring your Skills to Support Climate Action in Local Government: Simu-live Thur, 10/22: 10:00 AM - 10:40 AM