Student Resources Guide

Thriving Networks > Campus > Graduate Student Resources Guide

What you can do today

The journey towards sustainability begins with a first step. 

a group of people listen to tour guide

Your commute matters. Check out some options for a low-carbon trip to school or work. 

Learn how to dispose of common items at MIT to best support diversion and limit waste stream contamination. 


Explore current graduate student researcher positions. 

Check out one of the many sustainability events held on campus. 

Visit the MIT Sustainability DataPool to explore data sets and visualizations to learn more or support your research. 

Visit the volunteer interest form for creating a food waste collection system in the graduate residence halls.

Take a deeper dive into sustainability research and developments around campus. Discover new topics you might like to explore during your time at MIT.

Give back through one of many volunteer opportunities in the MIT community and beyond. 

group at table sharing ideas
Get Connected with the Office of Sustainability

Subscribe to our email newsletter for a monthly wrap up of our current work and the people behind it. 

Follow on LinkedIn for news, updates, and stories from our partners.

Follow on Instagram for an inside look at our work, often from a student perspective. 

Watch on YouTube new videos, presentations, and explainers on our work. 

tree with yellow leaves on campus
Additional Resources

Sustainable Food Systems

Doing Well at MIT: If you are a student who is struggling with finances, unaware of how to access resources, or don’t have enough time to buy and cook your food, the resources below may be helpful.

Design out Waste

Rheaply for reuse: Rheaply is MIT's free online reuse platform available to all members of the MIT campus community. With categories that range from industrial to home goods and items like tables and lab glassware, Rheaply connects surplus and no-longer-needed items with new users.

MIT Waste Wizard and FAQs: Unsure whether a waste item goes in trash, recycling, or somewhere else? The MIT Waste wizard is a searchable database that identifies what stream an item should go in to reduce contamination and increase diversion rates. Have questions about MIT's approach to reducing waste? Visit the Sustainable Waste Management FAQs.

Off-Campus Waste Practices: Living off-campus? Sign up for the Cambridge Recycling Newsletter and learn more about state-level practices at Recycle Smart.