
This event is for MIT students only. Bring your laptop. Incoming first years are welcomed and encouraged!

The MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative welcomes students back to campus with SimPlanet, the interactive game that teaches you what it will take to prevent the worst effects of climate change. Presented by MIT's beloved Prof. John Sterman, SimPlanet brings you under the hood of international energy, industrial and economic policy, tweaking the investments, subsidies, taxes and regulations that together determine where the world gets its energy--and how many greenhouse gases we pump into the atmosphere. SimPlanet is backed by the Climate Interactive EnROADS Simulator, which runs thousands of calculations in real time to determine how the policies the world sets now will affect global temperatures decades into the future. Negotiate with other stakeholders, agree on new policies, and watch the warming curve bend as your ideas take effect. If you've ever wondered what kind of mobilization we truly need to confront the climate crisis, SimPlanet will open your eyes to a new world that brings all its ingenuity to bear on the challenge of climate change.

SimPlanet comes at the end of MIT orientation week and is open to all current MIT students, undergraduate and graduate. Please RSVP to help us plan the event.

Free Ben & Jerry's ice cream will be served.