Career Exploration Week: Sustainability @MIT Fall Career Fair
The MIT Career Fair is a significant event each fall where students are introduced to hundreds of companies/organizations across a multitude of sectors: biotech and healthcare, finance, consulting, healthcare, information technology, robotics, energy and utilities, transportation, defense, government, social, manufacturing… And increasingly, MIT students are becoming aware of all sectors’ responsibilities in reducing global emissions and creating environmental solutions. Students want to know that they work for companies and organizations that are having a positive impact.
So this year, in partnership with CAPD and MIT Sloan, ESI is working on multiple fronts to prepare students to engage potential employers in a conversation about companies’ sustainability related initiatives, practices and employment opportunities. This includes:
Providing students with various questions to ask and tips on how to do so, and on the flip side asking companies to be prepared to answer students’ questions.
Asking companies to tell us if they recognize the climate crisis and agree with the science, and if they have plans to reduce their carbon emissions.
Publicizing positions directly related to sustainability through social media.
Collecting historical data on companies to assess their recent annual emissions, their emission intensity (i.e., the amount of carbon emissions per each good and service provided), and their effort (i.e. the trend in their emissions intensity since 2011).
Come to the MIT Fall Career Fair Sustainability Initiative event to learn more about you can find a career where you can do well and do good!
Registration required via Handshake.