Campus Decarbonization Forum

Are you interested in the exploration of existing and emerging decarbonization technologies, climate action, and how to plan for a carbon-free future? Do you want to know more about how MIT is working to decarbonize its own campus?
Join us for an IAP event to learn about the pathways to MIT’s campus decarbonization, including planning for the next energy era on campus, accelerating actions to reduce emissions today, and evaluating new technologies and strategies for the campus’s district energy system. This community event is open to students, staff, and faculty and will cover the topics of campus renewable energy, electrification, microgrids, resiliency, and more. Featuring in-depth presentations from Vice President for Campus Services and Stewardship Joe Higgins, Director of Sustainability Julie Newman, Professor Christoph Reinhart, and Senior Campus Planner Vasso Mathes, the forum concludes with a questions and answer session. Lunch will be provided.
Please RSVP here.