The challenges of sustainability are both local and global. Creating transformative solutions requires deep collaboration among community leaders and members on campus, city and global scales.
We're focused on making change on the MIT campus, but we think change starts with you. We can work together to learn and generate new and big ideas.
We recognize the deep interconnectivity between our campus and the cities that surround us. So, we seek solutions to common challenges with Cambridge, Boston, and beyond.
Through our work, we aim to make structures, processes and solutions developed at MIT accessible for reapplication and scaling across the globe.
An ambitious vision for campus sustainability at MIT is underway and achieving it will be a process. We want you to think of your own journey to sustainability as a process, too: start, study, solve.
Getting started can mean many things: looking at a decision from a new angle, fresh ideas, or connecting with new people. The resources below are a starting point – where you go next is up to you.
Commute to Work or Class Sustainably
Your commute matters. Check out some options for a low-carbon trip to school or work.
Certify Your Workplace as Sustainable
Help transform the workplace culture of MIT through active engagement and leadership on sustainability issues.
Join a Club or Committee
Get connected with other individuals, labs, and groups and help us tap into MIT's collective intelligence to make real change.
Whether you are a student or employee, there are many ways to think deeper about sustainability issues through classes, online learning, and opportunities to do cutting-edge research.
Study Sustainability
Take Advantage of Resources
Living Lab Projects
Help transform the MIT campus into a place where students, faculty, and staff work together to problem-solve through applied research and analytics.
Do you have a big idea for making sustainable changes in your dorm, at the community level, or across the globe? The resources below will help you get connected with the people, funds, and support you need.
Campus Sustainability Incubator Fund
The fund seeks to enable MIT community members to use the MIT campus as a test bed for research in sustainable operations, management and design.
Participate in a Hackathon
Win a Prize or Grant for your Solution