Sustainability Connect 2023

Sustainability Connect: 2023

sustainability connect spelled out in red and orange


Thank you for joining us for Sustainability Connect 2023: A Forum on the Future of Sustainability at MIT. 

Sustainability Connect brings together the community working to create a more sustainable MIT.

people gathered around a table talking



Sustainability Awards

The Sustainability Awards provide recognition to individuals working in support of the sustainable transformation of MIT with a focus on connection, impact, and kindness. 

group of people holding award certificates

Award Categories

  • Sustainability Impact Award 

Making an impact and leading on sustainable change at MIT

Awardee: Marty O’Brien

Awardee: Safe and Sustainable Labs Service Team


  • Campus as a Test Bed 

Utilizing the campus to test sustainability solutions for MIT and beyond 

Awardee: Katerina Boukin

Awardee: Systems Performance and Turnover, Department of Chemistry, and Environment, Health and Safety Team


  • Student Sustainability Leader

A student who demonstrates exceptional leadership and collaboration within the sustainability community

Awardee: Shiv Bhakta


  • Climate Hero

An individual who has supported transformative change with regards to sustainability within their team

Awardee: Randa Ghattas


  • Circular Economy

Someone shifting operations and/or mindsets from a “use-and-dispose” to “rethink- and-reuse”

Awardee: Jarrod Jones

Awardee: EHS Safety Technician Team



8:30-9 Check in and coffee and breakfast pastries served

9-9:30 Opening Remarks and Marking a Decade of Sustainability at MIT
Julie Newman, Director of Sustainability

9:35-10:15 A Model for Change: Field Reports from Campus as a Test Bed
Moderator | Brian Goldberg, Assistant Director, Office of Sustainability
Panelist | Miho Mazareeuw, MITOS Faculty Fellow, Associate Professor of Architecture and Urbanism, Director of the Urban Risk Lab 
Panelist |Ken Strzepek, MITOS Faculty Fellow and Research Scientist at the MIT Center for Global Change Science
Panelist | Ippolyti Dellatolas Graduate Student, MITOS Climate Action Sustainability Researcher

10:15-10:30 Coffee Break

10:35-11:15 Sustainability in Motion
An interactive session featuring MIT community members reflecting on their work in sustainable building education, climate resilient landscaping, EV fleet transition, Waste Watchers, Choose to Reuse, and power purchase agreements.

11:15-11:55 On the Horizon: Decarbonizing the Campus, Experiential Learning, and Justice
Panelist | Kate Trimble, Senior Associate Dean for Experiential Learning
Panelist | Susy Jones, Senior Sustainability Project Manager
Panelist | John Fernandez, Director, Environmental Solutions Initiative, Professor School of Architecture and Planning
Panelist | Joe Higgins, Vice President for Campus Services and Stewardship

noon-12:15 Sustainability Awards

12:15-1:15 Lunch

1:10-2:15 Workshop: The Future of Sustainability at MIT
Attendees are invited to collaborate with others and share their vision for more sustainable MIT through this interactive workshop. 

2:15 Closing