Pursue new strategies and solutions with tangible, scalable impacts
We aim to transform MIT into a powerful model that generates new and proven ways of responding to the unprecedented challenges of a changing planet via operational performance, education, research and innovation on our campus.
Our Story
MIT’s Office of Sustainability (MITOS), established in 2013, is integrating sustainability across all levels of our campus by engaging the collective brainpower of our students, staff, faculty, alumni, and partners. We have set out to ensure that sustainability is a critical part of MIT’s standard operating procedures and is fully integrated into the working, research, teaching, social and cultural spheres of our campus. By enabling the MIT community to embrace agility, change, and collective problem solving, MITOS is helping the Institute invent, model, and reimagine the unique power of campus sustainability to impact the world.
Work across traditional boundaries and within networks to frame and solve problems
Contribute to the mission of MIT by serving our campus, community, and the world
View all stakeholders, resources and challenges as interrelated and mutually dependent
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MIT is committed to transforming the campus into a living laboratory for sustainability innovation - a place where students, faculty, and staff work together to problem-solve through applied research and analysis. While some projects may lead to actionable solutions to the challenges of sustainability on campus, other research projects could provide insight into economic modeling, organizational behavior and behavior change models.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget dui vel lacus aliquet tristique. Nam scelerisque nec dolor eget luctus. Vivamus sit amet nisi luctus eros tincidunt luctus. Curabitur eros felis, elementum quis urna quis, ullamcorper eleifend ante. Nulla posuere risus in est finibus condimentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget dui vel lacus aliquet tristique. Nam scelerisque nec dolor eget luctus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget dui vel lacus aliquet tristique. Nam scelerisque nec dolor eget luctus. Vivamus sit amet nisi luctus eros tincidunt luctus. Curabitur eros felis, elementum quis urna quis, ullamcorper eleifend ante. Nulla posuere risus in est finibus condimentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget dui vel lacus aliquet tristique. Nam scelerisque nec dolor eget luctus.