MIT DataHub

MIT DataHub

Quality and timely data are essential to intelligent decision-making, change management, and to formulating research-based solutions. The MIT Office of Sustainability (MITOS) recognizes that many of the current data processes for accessing, updating, reporting and sharing institutional data are manually intensive and reactive. To get out ahead of these challenges MITOS uses the MIT DataHub.

The DataHub is a modern, cloud-based, big data platform. The DataHub infrastructure can collect and store data from disparate sources, enable automation through computer programming, and enhance the analytic capabilities of MIT’s operational units. MITOS is working with many Institutional partners to use the DataHub as a central repository for campus sustainability data. This “data lake” will support decision-making, campus research, and sustainability performance evaluation.

DataHub Powers Sustainability Analytics

1. Direct data into the DataHub


2. Transform it


3. Share the results at


Project Partners

A diverse group of thought leaders—including students, faculty, and staff—were involved in the ideation of the MIT DataHub. To realize the concept, MITOS partnered with the IS&T Data Science team, who developed the infrastructure using Amazon Web Service technologies. MITOS works closely with many MIT operational units, including the Department of Facilities and the Environment, Health and Safety Office, to process rows and columns of information into actionable insight.